TOXIC Agriculture – Focus on farm life and all it entiles with a special section deducated to: wine production, horses, and bees. Need Lead Info Collector: ______________
TOXIC Agriculture – Focus on farm life and all it entiles with a special section deducated to: wine production, horses, and bees. Need Lead Info Collector: ______________
May 2018: The approval of the vertical site plan (full engineering of the facility) will be used for the building permit application. 2018-05-07 Planning Commission – Public Agenda (site plan appoval)
April 28, 2018: The future of MARC is uncertain. Maryland, which operates the MARC system, threatened to end West Virginia service in Summer of 2018, unless WV paid $3.2 million to continue it (the cost to provide service). MTA CEO Kevin […]
April 11, 2018: In addition to vehicle replacements, there are several other capital projects planned for the HEPMPO region, including: Northport Station: a new MARC transit station and EPTA bus transfer center on the Jefferson Orchards property abutting Route 9 and […]
March 8, 2018: The City’s conservation efforts must go further than just conserving farmland. Charles Town can take action to ensure that its soil, land, water, wilderness, and air are protected for future generations. This requires the City to partner […]
February 1, 2018: MARC has been operating trains in West Virginia since the 1970s under a series of intergovernmental agreements between the states. WV and MD have been in negotiations since October when the 5 year agreement between the 2 states […]
October 18, 2017: The approval of the horizontal site plan (footprint of building) will be used for the building grading permit application. 2017-10-18 Planning Commission – Full Agenda-1068-compressed
October 3, 2017: PILOT stands for “Payment in Lieu of Taxes.” Typically PILOT agreements appear to be haphazard, secretive, and calculated in an ad-hoc manner. What’s more, payments in lieu of taxes typically generate relatively little revenue, as a share […]
October 2017: Rockwool and the Owners of Jefferson Orchard records a Land Use Restriction Agreement prohibiting any type of residential dwelling on the remaining land in Jefferson Orchard that is not zoned Industrial (212 acres of land planned for Transit […]
September 2017: This rezoning increases the total acreage under Special District-Industrial by an additional 100 acres, taking away one the two Villages from the 2012 plan 2017-09-05 City Council – Full Agenda-1062
Summary – In 2021, JCV filed a Legal Complaint for...
Our Pickin’ on Polluters VI fundraiser co-hosted by...
JCV has entered its fifth year of serving the community. A...
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