Update on Legal Complaint for Injunctive Relief
Summary – In 2021, JCV filed a Legal Complaint for...
We are writing to express our alarm with the Climate Group’s selection of Rockwool as the corporate host of the “Building Tomorrow’s Cities” panel during New York Climate Week on September 25th. Rockwool’s recent behavior in Jefferson County, West Virginia and its coal-fueled product line make it a completely inappropriate choice for this event.
In 2017, Rockwool used a secretive, fast-track process run by the state government to gut our community’s carefully constructed plans for a sustainable mass transit community. Instead, Rockwool plans to build a global-scale insulation factory that will burn fossil fuels around the clock.
The location Rockwool selected for their new plant is an apple orchard next to an elementary school in a residential and agricultural area. The area was never planned for heavy industry, but the company bound state and local government with various “understandings” ahead of the environmental permit process. Now that our community is expressing outrage at their plans, Rockwool is threatening our local government with a $100 million lawsuit if we do not provide them with massive tax incentives. Read More…
Summary – In 2021, JCV filed a Legal Complaint for...
Our Pickin’ on Polluters VI fundraiser co-hosted by...
JCV has entered its fifth year of serving the community. A...
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