On April 5 JCV sent this letter to the Jefferson County Department of Health (DOH) detailing concerns around ongoing construction at the Rockwool-Ranson construction site and Covid-19. Dr. Reidy wrote this response on April 16, though receipt was delayed to due a mailing error.
JCV appreciates the DOH effort to monitor the site and keep both workers there and our community healthy and safe at this difficult time. However, we are concerned that the one site visit completed was done in conjuction with and guided by Rockwool, and therefore does not necessarily accurately reflect conditions at the site. JCV Board members and supporters have observed and photographed workers on numerous days since late March where workers were not appropriately social distancing or wearing masks. We have strongly urged that a “surprise” visit to the site be arranged, and we were told at the May 8 DOH meeting that such a visit would be carried out.
In addition, we remained concerned about the number of out-of-state workers at the site, some contractors, and whether results of any of them testing positive for Covid-19 would be reported back to DOH — particularly with contractors. We ask that they remain vigilant to keep both the workers and our community safe, and hold Rockwool accountable for following all state guidelines.