Update on Legal Complaint for Injunctive Relief
Summary – In 2021, JCV filed a Legal Complaint for...
Thank you to everyone who voted in the Charles Town and Ranson Municipal elections. In Charles Town, four out of four Council Member seats were filled by candidates we support! Elizabeth Ricketts, Jeff Hynes, Julie Philabaum and Rikki Twyford will all be serving as Council Members. We are also grateful to Todd Coyle and Steve Rogers for running and we hope that they will consider running again in the future. Currently, Charles Town is seeking a Council Member from Ward 2 to fill a term ending May 2023. Applications will be accepted until July 9th.
In Ranson, Amanda Stroud was re-elected as Council Member at-large. Throughout her work as Council Member, Amanda has shown her commitment to improving Ranson and the lives of its residents. We are also grateful to Tyler Payton and Mike Baker for running for office. Both received a significant percentage of votes.
Summary – In 2021, JCV filed a Legal Complaint for...
Our Pickin’ on Polluters VI fundraiser co-hosted by...
JCV has entered its fifth year of serving the community. A...
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