Update on Legal Complaint for Injunctive Relief
Summary – In 2021, JCV filed a Legal Complaint for...
Jefferson County Vision (JCV) was founded in 2018 with a mission to lead legal, political, and community action to support sustainable growth without heavy industry and to empower citizen’s voices to ensure government transparency. JCV has been an effective 501(c)4 non-profit organization with a legacy of accomplishment and growth, led by a volunteer board with a passion for the cause, demonstrating tenacity and diverse skills. We have amassed a significant mailing list and Facebook following, and many dedicated supporters give of their time and financial resources.
Threats in our beautiful County continue—examples include recent efforts to re-zone property near the Rockwool plant as Industrial, a County Commission that is in a dysfunctional state, air and water toxins from existing heavy industry, an important Comprehensive Plan process in serious need of citizen input, lack of transparency from some of our elected officials, and low voter turnout on key issues and a lack of candidates aligned with our mission.
Several long-serving members will be stepping down as of January 1st, and it is time to add new Board members. We hope to bring in new leaders with new perspectives, energy, commitment, and additional skill sets. The Board focuses on JCV’s ongoing strategy, communications, financial stability, and operations, and meetings are monthly by conference call.
Thus, JCV is seeking nominations for Board members who would serve on the governing body. Self-nominations are welcome. A slate of nominees will be selected by a committee chaired by JCV President Marie Uehling, along with directors Cathy Jozwik, Amanda Godlove, and Zach Holland. A diverse range of skills and experience is being sought among nominees, including expertise relating to media and communications, fundraising, marketing, IT systems, budgeting and accounting, and strategic planning. Desirable qualifications include a passion for JCV’s mission and commitment to working with like-minded organizations and individuals. Nominees may reside in Jefferson County or adjacent counties in WV. Board positions are unpaid, and a commitment is sought to serve for at least one year.
Nominations are due by November 9, and should include both the nominee’s and the nominator’s contact information (if not a self-nomination), with a short description of the person’s relevant interest, experience, skills, and qualifications. Additional materials, such as a résumé, are welcome.
Nominations, and related questions, should be sent to Marie Uehling, Nominating Committee Chair at mail@jeffersoncountyvision.com or by mail to
Jefferson County Vision
PO Box 103
Shenandoah Junction, WV 25442.
Summary – In 2021, JCV filed a Legal Complaint for...
Our Pickin’ on Polluters VI fundraiser co-hosted by...
JCV has entered its fifth year of serving the community. A...
© 2025 Jefferson County Vision, Inc.